Drobo Evangelist Discount available through July 31st!
06/12/07 00:00

Last chance at current Drobo discount...
05/24/07 16:06
We're in the 5 day countdown now. If you've decided that the Drobo is the storage unit for you and want to take advantage of the cool technology that protects your data in the event of a drive failure, just grab this code — REFJENL — and go on over to the Drobo Store to get one for yourself at $25.00 off!
If you need more info before you make your decision, pop into the Drobospace Forums or check out recent articles on Gizmodo or engadget. The "Friend of Beta Tester" discount expires on May 30th. So grab it soon!
If you need more info before you make your decision, pop into the Drobospace Forums or check out recent articles on Gizmodo or engadget. The "Friend of Beta Tester" discount expires on May 30th. So grab it soon!
It's here! My new Drobo
05/04/07 14:16
I'll have to take time later this evening (or tomorrow, as time permits) to post the photos of the un-boxing. (-:
The first thing I noticed upon swapping in the drives from the beta and plugging the Drobo in was, after a momentary rev up, the fan was QUIET! Yeeha!Read more...
The first thing I noticed upon swapping in the drives from the beta and plugging the Drobo in was, after a momentary rev up, the fan was QUIET! Yeeha!Read more...
It's on it's way - waiting for the Drobo
05/04/07 11:46
Argh! I'm being so impatient today. I keep checking the FedEx tracking to see where in the country my new unit is.
On the truck... to be delivered... since 4:29 AM this morning. Have to wait just a little longer.
Don't forget to check out my post below to get that discount code and get your own Drobo before May 30th!!
On the truck... to be delivered... since 4:29 AM this morning.
Don't forget to check out my post below to get that discount code and get your own Drobo before May 30th!!
Drobo — A Beta Tester's Thoughts
05/03/07 13:52

I had the pleasure of beta testing a nifty piece of hardware over the last few months. The Drobo, by Data Robotics, which does some amazing stuff with your data deceptively simply.
I've been bitten a few too many times in the last 12 months or so by failed drives. Yes, I do backups. Not as frequently as I should for sure. However, I've had two, count'em TWO backup drives fail on me in the last 6 months alone. Mind you, this was not my main drive (I've had two of *those* fail in the last 12 months too) but it was painful none-the-less because there were things on the backup drive that weren't on any other drives at the time. Read more...